Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines + Edit

I didnt expect it. I didnt even mean for it to happen. Im glad it did tho. So much stress has been released and it feels alot better now. Man my living room has alot of memories, as does the car, the playground by wills house, the hills the marina has one or two. Never really thought about the memories before last night. We thought of alot more then i realized happened.
I couldnt whipe the smile off my face last night. It was stappled, super glued, welded, taped and stitched to my face. Wasent going to come off. I wish all my nights could be like that. Was good to see her smile too after reading the thing i wrote for her. Thought i was going to get a totally different reaction.
Guess these next few weeks will determine if ima smile like that more often. Hope so. Almost doubt it will happen. But doesn't mean i cant try to make them happen.
Well this will probably confuse everybody that reads it. Sorry. =)
Goin to my Lou's birthday dinner, see ya

Edit: Ya know when i wrote this, i didnt feel right. I think the dependent side of me wrote the orginal version to this one. I read it over, its stupid, i almost want to delete it. I don't feel what i said above, not now, or then. I really can't tell you why i said those words. Maybe its really time to call it quits, becuase the logical side of my brain is saying 'If not then, why now, what have you done so much different'. Well lets just hope i dont run away JUST before things get good like i useually do. But ya, maybe its time to move on. Like i said in "Find Me" i didnt know how much longer i could really stick around. Well i think i just found out.

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